In the era of digital communications: new visions of media editorship

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Кошелюк О., Благовірна Н., Рожило М. № 1 (81) 89-99 Image Image

The article deals with media editorship in modern world and aftereffects of the re­forming of information space and appropriately new professional requirements due to the conditions of digitalization. The study elucidates which editors of Ukrainian and Polish media market in 2021 according to the employers’ requests for editor positions on vacancy sites like (Ukraine) and (Poland) need. The research consists of two parts. The first one analyses the media market and shows that the Ukrainian media sphere needs an editor-journalist and a translator-editor the most, while the Polish one needs an IT editor with programming skills and special digital skills. In Ukraine, the demand for editors of multimedia projects and digital technologies will grow in the future. However, this should be facilitated by self-regulation of the media business and other factors of attractiveness of the media editor profession. Polish and Ukrainian media sectors need universal editor-journalists working with different types of information and media. But this universalization and the imposition on the editor on top of everything else double, triple etc. functional responsibilities, in our opinion, risk both the quality of media production and, in fact, the quality and independence (also financial) of the media as they are. The universalization of the media editor fills up with his ability to intercultural creativity.

The second part of the research offers the propositions about training for edi­tors-journalists and their successful work with convergence media. The increased respon­si­bi­lity of the media editor in the era of digital information space, the formation of digital and media culture of the audience, on the one side, and the quality of modern online content creation, on the other side, the prestige of the editorial profession is mo­re important than ever. Media market tendencies in particular universalization of edi­tors and journalists profession position as far as multiculturalism of editorship are reflected in the study programs of modern Ukrainian education (program “Journalism and Intercultural Communication” by Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University). Im­proving the education of a specialist in editing and journalism in Ukraine is inevitable according to the changes in media and requests of media employers. Professionals in media editorship multiply the cultural experience through professional activity.

Keywords: editor, media market, digital communications, convergence, digital skills, multiculturalism.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-1-81-89-99

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