The proposed article is a continuation of the research of the optimization process for ink printing system preparation to printing. The technology to reduce the time of ink printing system output with three form rollers on steady mode has been developed. The optimal amount of system’s working cycles for its previous ink filling to the moment of connecting form rollers with a plate has been determined by computer simulation of ink distribution and transmission in ink printing system with using an expression to determine the optimal ink thickness on the surface of the third form roller. Such approach gives an opportunity to decrease substantially the time of output system on an operating mode and to reduce considerably the amount of substandard imprints. the process of determining the optimal amount of previous ink filling cycles of ink printing system with three form rollers at the different loading has been described. The dependence of previous ink filling cycles of ink printing system from loading has been set.
Keywords: ink printing system, working mode, transition process, optimization of the printing process, ink pre-filling of system, computer simulation.
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