Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Fihol N. M., Trishchuk O. V. | № 2 (78) | 87-95 |
The article deals with the effectiveness of language tools in the headline complex. Іt analyses the advantages of headlines using tropes and reveals an understanding of the concept of “successful headline”.
The article analyses the domestic experience of researching and using emotionally colored headlines. The perspectives of further scientific researches and possibilities of using emotionally expressive language tools in modern print and electronic media have been outlined.
In addition, the perspectives of using tropes to improve the effectiveness of journalistic text are discussed. The purpose of our study was to find out the effectiveness of language use in the headline complex, to systematize the experience gained and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of tropes in the headline.
Summarizing all the previous theoretical findings and empirical research, we can distinguish the following important advantages of an effective emotional headline: small volume; emotional and expressive influence; attracting the reader’s attention. Language tools enrich the expression, which will enhance the imagery and emotional memory. It is undeniable that the psychology of perception and the effectiveness of influence are directly related to the language used.
Among the methods used to conduct the study are the following: descriptive method, analysis and synthesis have been used to highlight the benefits of emotionally colored headers, characterize their effectiveness, formulate on this basis the requirements for them; typologization has allowed highlighting the advantages of using tropes in the headline, to determine their characteristics.
The scientific novelty is that for the first time the advantages of the use of language tools in the headline complex in modern electronic media have been highlighted by concrete examples.
The results of the study and the suggested recommendations can be used to understand the specifics of the emotionally colored headline, to apply the recommendations in journalistic, editorial practice to create new, accurate, relevant headlines.
Keywords: tropes, headline, metaphor, antithesis, rhyming, rhythmization, homonymy, paronymia.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-2-78-87-95