Metric synthesis of flat-bed die-cutting press with optimized component structure

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Shustykevych A. I., Kolomiiets A. B., Голдак Л. Б. № 1 (87) 165-173 Image Image

The purpose of the publication is to study the importance of various visual elements in social media content design to enhance engagement and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Today, visual content is becoming increasingly important for capturing attention and fostering the user interaction on social media. Images, videos, infographics, animations, and interactive elements significantly impact the audience engagement and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Identifying the most important visual elements will help brands optimize their content to achieve maximum results.

The relevance of researching visual elements is driven by the need to create a recognizable brand. Consistent use of colors, fonts, logos, and other visual elements helps to establish a unified style and increase the recognizability of content on social media. This contributes to strengthening the brand image and creating a positive impression among consumers.

Making decisions about the importance of various visual elements is a complex process, as it involves many different factors and criteria. However, the hierarchy method provides a structured approach to analyzing and evaluating these criteria, enabling well-founded decisions. This methodology is used to assess various types of visual elements, their sub-criteria, and weights.

Keywords: social network, content, interface, design, model, hierarchy, composition.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-34-40

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