Modelling and research of oscillating cylinders influence on the ink flows distribution in the ink printing system

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Huk I. B., Kalytka M. I., Verkhola M. I. № 2 (78) 16-26 Image Image

In this article the task of studying the impact effect of grinding cylinders, which are in different positions of the ink printing system scheme on the ink thickness distribution at the imprints surface has been considered. It is suggested to solve this problem by the way of ink printing system work computer simulation. To achieve this goal, a signal graph has been constructed, which clearly describes the process of circular and axial rolling and ink transfer from the ductor box to the imprints. A mathematical model of an ink printing system of a branched structure with three form rollers and oscillating cylinders has been developed, which adequately describes the process of ink distribution and transfer by all system elements, which makes it possible to change the parameters of the oscillating cylinders operation and the ink feeding device parameters. Based on a mathematical model and a signal graph, a simulator has been constructed in the Matlab-Simulink environment, which makes it possible to simulate the operation of the ink printing system taking into account the oscillating cylinders operation modes and an ink feeding device work. Modelling of the ink distribution and transfer process in the ink printing system has been carried out, which results in transient processes of the ink thickness changing at the system output during the oscillating cylinders movement, which are located in different positions of the ink printing system scheme. It has been found that the transient process of ink distribution at the ink printing system output during the axial movement at one of the cylinders which contacts with the form rollers ends almost twice times faster than in the case when the first oscillating cylinder with the feeding device contact operates. It has been established that with the placing nearer of the oscillating cylinders to the ink printing system output their influence on the ink distribution in the axial direction decreases. Modelling and analysis of the oscillating cylinders influence on the ink flows distribution at the imprints surfaces with different form filling coefficients via printing elements have been performed.

The developed simulator of the ink printing system can be used to determine the optimal oscillating cylinders set-up parameters when printing different types of products.

Keywords: ink printing system, oscillating cylinder, printing form, imprints, ink feeding device, modelling.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-2-78-16-26

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