Models of spatially distributed markov’s processes in weakly structured tasks of complex organizational and technical systems management

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Шарко О. В., Петрушенко Н. В., Durniak B. V., Бабічев С. А. № 2 (82) 128-140 Image Image

Any activity of organizational and technical facilities is carried out not only in conditions of risk, but also in conditions of uncertainty, which is due to the globalization of processes, the complexity of interactions between actors and the impact of the environment. The effectiveness of decisions directly depends on how well-founded goals are and how they are solved in the dynamics of changes in events related to their structuring and division of functions. The results of studying the processes of functioning of organizational and technical objects in the conditions of uncertainty of connections and relations are presented. The purpose of Markov chains is to find a combination of characteristics and parameters of the model, which would improve the mechanisms of identification and decision-making in a visualized form. It is determined that since the processes of transformations do not have a continuous time stamp, the sequence of states of enterprises can be used as time. A simulation model of adaptability to environmental influences with a hierarchy of sampling intervals is constructed, in which the method of constructing Markov chains is extended to the class of poorly structured control problems of complex organizational and technical systems by aggregation of accumulated events with discrete states and discrete time. The information technology that allows for the rapid formation and evaluation of alternatives to support decision-making in conditions of uncertainty to ensure the functional stability of distributed organizational facilities for technical purposes is developed. The advantage of the system for assessing the degree of readiness of organizational and technical facilities for management actions with the help of Markov chains is the ability to configure the system for any information situation. As a practical example of constructing a digraph of the Markov chain, states are selected that reflect the management of organizational and technical systems in conditions of uncertainty, the priority of the location of parameters characterized by the most important characteristics: finance, equipment, staff competence, research methodology.

Keywords: Markov chains, management, poorly structured tasks, organizational and technical objects, risks, uncertainty, spatially distributed processes.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-2-82-128-140

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