Modernization of the system of citizen appeals as a mechanism of communicative interaction between state and society subjects

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Колосовська І. І. № 1 (87) 182-188 Image Image

The development of websites is a complex and crucial aspect of the modern Internet space. However, the success of this process is determined not only by technical aspects but also by the ability of the site to meet the needs and expectations of users. The concept of web design quality includes a range of attributes that define the user perception and interaction with the site. Today, there are a number of methodologies for evaluating layout quality. Each of them is designed to meet the specific needs of a project and thus has its strengths and weaknesses. Due to the lack of quantitative data, continuous development, and comparative characteristics of different methodologies, many development companies often choose the most popular one, regardless of how suitable it is for assessing the impact of layout quality on the user experience and the user satisfaction with the product they create.

The study of the impact of layout quality and web application design on the user satisfaction and experience is a relevant issue that requires comprehensive analysis and a systematic approach. Considering these aspects is critical for improving the quality of the web space and increasing its efficiency in interacting with the user.

The proposed study reviews several modern methodologies related to the process of evaluating the impact of layout quality on the user satisfaction and experience. Key factors influencing the decision to choose the most universal methodology for various web applications are identified and analyzed.

Keywords: layout quality, methodology, user experience, user satisfaction, web applications.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-19-27

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