Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Kudriashova A. V. | № 2 (78) | 45-50 |
The theoretical foundations of multicriteria choice of alternative options for technological processes realization have been presented. The algorithm of realization of the set task by the method of linear minimization of criteria has been presented. According to the Pareto principle, many factors with the highest weight indexes are formed: R1 — indicators of the edition (188 c. u.); R3 — operating conditions (105 c. u.); R2 — structural features (74 c. u.); R4 — a type of production (49,5 c. u.). Factors with significantly lower priority were discarded. Three alternatives to the implementation of the process under study are given: A1, A2, A3. The table of percentages of alternatives has been formed on the basis of the measure of importance of each individual factor. The combinations of the values of the alternatives of each factor do not exceed 100 %. A matrix of pairwise comparisons of the weighted values of the distinguished factors, estimated on the Saati relative importance scale, has been created. The order of the matrix is determined by the number of factors analyzed. The main eigenvector of the pairwise matrices matrix is normalized using the program “Simulation modeling in system analysis by the method of binary comparisons”. As a result of normalization, normalized weight values of the design factors of post-printing processes have been established. The normalization criteria are calculated: the maximum eigenvalue of the principal eigenvector of the pairwise comparison matrix, the consistency index, and the consistency ratio. The correctness of the solution of the problem are checked by performing the corresponding inequalities. The utility functions of each projected alternative are determined by the factors of the Pareto set. Multicriteria utility estimates for the three projected alternatives are calculated. By the greatest value of utility assessment, the optimal alternative of realization of the studied process is chosen.
Keywords: factor, Pareto set, alternative, linear minimization of criteria, postprinting processes, utility assessment.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-2-78-45-50