Qualological requirements for nus textbooks in the aspect of updated legislation

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Stakhiv M. R. № 1 (83) 134-142 Image Image

The article considers the problem of assessing the quality of school textbooks. Using of the authoritative examination of school textbooks is accented. Its results should be taken into account when creating educational publications. The examination results should be binding, not advisory. The article underscores that the current level of expertise allows eliminating mistakes formally without changing anything systematically and allowing publishers to use the usual ways of responding to remarks.

The article analyses the legal aspect of the problem and the opportunities for Ukrainian education, which opens up the improvement of legislation. The attention is focused on the changes proposed by the bill and their role in improving the quality of school textbooks.

The reasons for the emergence of low-quality educational publications are the systematic lack of funds for the schooling sphere and lots of textbooks and competitions that need to be analysed quickly and simultaneously. In addition, teachers lose the chance to fully familiarize themselves with the proposed publications and choose the best option for their students, order the textbooks, get it and teach them according to the program requirements. There is also a problem with the relevance of knowledge in the textbooks. They must be indicated despite some universality for the children studying.

Summarizing our analysis, one can highlight that the Ukrainian lawmakers are trying to respond to the challenges facing the Ukrainian state and education, trying to implement changes in the legislation. Changes that meet the requirements not only for the printing reproduction of the publication but also for the object matter should improve Ukrainian education. Amendments to the Law on Education should facilitate this. The law entrusts the examination of educational literature used in education and determines the types of textbooks.

Keywords: NUS, textbooks, textbook examination, school textbook, quality of educational literature.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-1-83-134-142

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