Software analysis for layout of music note publications

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Maik L. Ya., Selmenska Z. M., Holubnyk T. S., Dubnevych M. M. № 2 (82) 38-51 Image Image

The invention of the computer has stimulated great opportunities in the music industry. Music note editors have existed on the market for over 30 years as the first similar devices appeared in the late 1980s. During this time, they have come a long way from simple “stuffers” of notes to advanced instruments for working with music. The market of sheet music writing software is conservative as new solutions appear extremely rarely and existing tools have been evolving for years. Even in such a situation, the customer does not experience the lack of market offers as there are dozens of programs for working with sheet music in the music industry. Nowadays, the importance of music note editors for the musician is difficult to overestimate since the computer helps to record musical information while a human being is its author; expertly printed notes are always easier to read than written not in always legible handwriting notes; the typing speed is also not the last factor in the era of the accelerated pace of life. Digital music note technologies have become an important part of daily music practices and musical culture in general. In this situation, digital music notes do not only play the role of characters on the screen, but are directly related to sound and its timbres (electronic notes sound), also they become multimedia learning materials (audio and video notes for learning the music), the automated assistant (e.g., deployed instrumental sheet music in digital format are instantly transposed), and the built-in digital module (for example, audio or video editor). The implementation of music note devices in related fields of creativity and education has become the main principle of the development of music notes and digital technologies of the XXI century, as a result, the possibilities of notation have become available to a wider range of users. This article focuses on the features of typing and printing of music note texts and compares the most popular modern programs.

Keywords: music note publication, technological process, poetic text, original layout, layout, software environment.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-2-82-38-51

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