Synthesis of a model for prioritizing the impact of criteria for composite design of social media content

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Дулька О. Б., Vasiuta S. P. № 1 (87) 34-40 Image Image

An inspection and analysis of the existing machines for die-cutting of cardboard sheet blanks as part of the printing house’s equipment, is carried out. Advantages are found in their work based on flat-bed component structure, which affects the accuracy of positioning the blanks and can have a positive effect on the technologic and technic characteristics of the machines. The design of the press component structure for die-cutting of cardboard sheet blanks, which provides it with stepless movement, is developed. Therefore, it is proposed to use the four-linkage mechanism for driving of the main units of the press. This is important to achieve the needed effect when using a wide range of printing materials – from paper to corrugated cardboard. The mechanism’s metric characteristics is selected according to the production requirements. The selected flat-bed die-cutting press can perform high-quality work with a minimal power. It meets the needs of most known post-press equipment, where a need to die-cut of paperboard sheet blanks exists.

Analytical dependencies are derived, on the basis of which calculations of metric, kinematic and thus power parameters of the device are carried out. It is proven that the drive power of the sheet table’s movement is directly dependent on the physical and geometric properties of the cardboard used during die-cutting of the paper cup bodies sheet. The results of the study determined the nature and magnitude of the influence of the mentioned parameters of the equipment and dimensions of cardboard blanks on the metric characteristics of the die press optimized component structure. The studies are useful for designing new or upgrading the existing equipment.

Keywords: printing press, die-cutting press, flat-bed, cardboard, drive, calculation, synthesis, transporter, overall size, paper cup.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-165-173

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