Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Andriiv R. R., Pikh I. V. | № 1 (69) | 69-76 |
The innovative approaches towards the elaboration of electronic publications have been considered. The choice of tools on the basis of fuzzy logic methods for publications design has been carried out. The comparative characteristics have been conducted and the features of electronic publication development on the basis of content management system with an open code ‘Content Management system (CMS), MVC framework (Model View Controller) -the structural template which describes the method of annex structure building, the sphere of responsibility and interaction of each part of the given structure and HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Controller) framework have been researched. The functional peculiarities of content-administration system have been defined.
Since the output of the task of multicriteria choice the alternatives are the factors of Pareto optimization the main of them have been defined. They are: scalability, operating speed, security, functionality and settings. The factors convolution has been carried out.
Fuzzy preference relation or, so called, additive relation convolution has been calculated.
The result of solving the problem of alternative variant choice of CMS-system and frameworks on the basis of fuzzy preference relation is the calculation of an optimal option for electronic publication design.
Keywords: CMS-system, MVC framework, HMVC framework, electronic publication, fuzzy logic, factors, alternatives, Pareto optimization, adaptive relation convolution.