The purpose of the article is to develop and substantiate the concept of creating multimedia tools for the educational space of dual education. The main problems of forming the educational space of dual education of educational programs for the specialty “Publishing and Printing” are analyzed. Thus, a working student becomes more demanding about the volume and format of knowledge presentation. A specialist working and studying under the conditions of dual education should keep in view a wide range of objects and subjects of the subject area of the created multimedia product; he needs to think through and take into account many aspects of interaction with the client: creative, technical, social, price and others.
Research hypothesis: the creation of a high-quality educational space for dual education can be achieved through its implementation on the basis of a multimedia educational complex (MEC). The MEC architecture is substantiated. The architecture of the multimedia educational complex is based on a competency-based approach. The student-user didactic interface is created on the basis of mental maps. It is proposed to use personal-oriented multimedia didactic tools created on the basis of the STEAM approach, which unites disciplines, using the synergy between the creative processes of modeling, design, and the content of mathematics, natural and technical sciences, which support the student’s activity, as part of MEC. It is proposed to use four types of knowledge, in accordance with which elements of competences are set. A list of multimedia tools is developed and their correspondence to categories of knowledge is established. A set of criteria for evaluating the quality of MEC as a multimedia product is proposed. Examples of the implementation of the concept for the educational program “Technologies of electronic multimedia publications” at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics are presented.
Keywords: multimedia educational complexes; dual education; multimedia tools; technologies of electronic multimedia publications; digital multimedia environment.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-101-122
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