The drive mechanism of a pressure plate of a flat die-cutting press

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Shakhbazov Ya. O., Четербух О. Ю., Shyrokov V. V., Palamar O. O. № 1 (79) 112-120 Image Image

The essence of the die-cutting process of cardboard packaging blanks has been explained. The main methods of cardboard packaging manufacturing are described: cutting, die-cutting and cutting-out. The advantages and disadvantages of flat die-cutting compared with flat-cylinder and rotary methods are listed. The manufacturers of flat die-cutting presses are represented. One of the main problems in improving the wedging mechanisms is explained, namely the provision of strictly vertical movement of the pressure plate during working and idling and even distribution of technological load during the die-cutting operation of cardboard packaging blanks for the quality product manufacturing. The analysis of various existing wedging mechanisms differing in the constructive elements that ensure the movement of the pressure plate, with an indication of their advantages and disadvantages has been done. A new wedging mechanism of the drive of the lower movable pressure plate of a flat die-cutting press has been developed and recommended. The scheme of the offered mechanism, the list of its constituent parts and the description of the working principle have been presented. Theoretical calculations of technological load of the die-cutting process of cardboard packaging and the magnitude of the driving force, which arises in the developed and proposed wedging mechanism, the drive of the lower movable pressure plate of a flat die-cutting press are presented. The advantages of the new developed and proposed wedging mechanism in comparison with other mechanisms are listed.

Keywords: die-cutting, cardboard packaging, manufacturers, wedging mechanisms, flat die-cutting, lower movable pressure plate, constructive elements, technological load, driving force, advantages, new developed and proposed wedging mechanism.


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