The popular science magazine “Zhyttia i Znannia” (1927-1939): the characteristics of the formation of the readers’ medical literacy

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Сілевич Л. І. № 1 (87) 174-181 Image Image

This article aims to identify and explore the key factors that determine the quality and use of augmented reality (AR) technology. Five main factors influencing the selection of technology are discussed and general characteristics are outlined. The first key factor studied in this paper is the user experience: the successful adoption of AR technology depends on how satisfied users are with the application, its ease of use, and their overall interaction with AR. The second factor explains the users’ perception of the usefulness and value of the technology. If users see tangible benefits and advantages from using AR, they are more likely to select this technology. The third factor is technical limitations. The quality, power and durability of the equipment significantly influence the decisions of users when selecting augmented reality technology. The fourth and fifth factors are discussed again in the context of social influences and cultural characteristics. Social perception, environmental influences, and cultural characteristics can determine the adoption of augmented reality technology by different user groups. The research presented in this article highlights the importance of considering these factors for the successful implementation and use of augmented reality technology in various sectors and industries. It is noted that the interaction between technological capabilities and user requirements promotes innovation and ensures the practicality of augmented reality, making it not only a tool for innovation, but also an important part of everyday life.

Studies of the factors influencing the selection and use of augmented reality technology have revealed a wide range of aspects that play an important role in various areas of life and business. The analysis of these factors is an important tool for effective implementation and use of augmented reality technology, opening new opportunities and promoting innovation.

Therefore, understanding and taking into account various factors that influence the selection of augmented reality technology is an important step on the way to the successful implementation of this innovative technology in various industries. The study also highlights the importance of interaction between the technical capabilities of the augmented reality technology and the requirements of the end user. By improving the user experience and providing the usefulness of applications, AR can become not only a tool for innovation, but also an integral part of everyday life and business processes.

Keywords: AR technologies, commerciality, form of presentation, presence of a database, influencing factors, types of markers.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-28-33

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