An ontology of scientific and professional activity is developed to analyse the competence of experts with the aim of forming an expert group that will carry out an expert assessment of factors influencing the quality of post-press processing of book editions. Terminology of scientific and professional activity is described, including academic degrees, positions, publication ratings, practical experience, etc. A taxonomy of ontology terms
is formed, the main classes of which are: priority direction of research, specialty, expert, participation in research and development works, published educational and methodological works, published monographs, published articles, organization. A general ontological graph of classes is constructed. The structure of the ontology directly affects the ability to establish the optimal solution of the main or secondary problems, and the iterative approach to creation consists in step-by-step learning (filling) of the ontology. Constant addition of new classes and connections between them is possible, which allows the ontology to be adapted and updated.
The required number of experts is calculated at a satisfactory level of confidence probability. The method of processing expert conclusions is presented. To assess the relative importance of factors influencing the quality of post-press processing of book editions, the method of scale assessment is used, according to which the evaluation is carried out on a 100-point scale, where 100 points are assigned to the maximum degree of importance, and 0 points to the minimum. Features of determining the centre of expert data grouping on the rating scale are described.
Keywords: ontology, taxonomy, graph, technological process, expert assessment, expert, expert opinion, competence.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-2-84-36-43
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