In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 17 dated January 7, 1964, "On the Issue of the Republican Interagency Thematic Scientific, Scientific and Technical and Scientific-Methodical Journals of Research Institutions, Higher Educational Institutions and Other Organizations of the USSR" ( the reference to the document) and issued on fulfilment of the above-mentioned Resolution of the Order of the Chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on press No. 4 of March 11, 1964 "On the consolidation of the Republican interagency thematic scientific, scientific and technical and scientific-methodical journals and heralds of research institutions, higher educational establishments and other organizations of the USSR between the publishing houses of the republic." The Ukrainian Printing Institute named after Ivan Fedorov (now Ukrainian Academy of Printing) was designated the main institution for the publication of the scientific and technical journal "Printing and Publishing"(the reference to the document).
The first edition of the interdepartmental republican scientific and technical journal "Printing and Publishing" was published in the publishing house of Lviv University, and numbered twenty-sixth editions, after by the printing institute (now Ukrainian Academy of Printing). The first issue was published in Russian and all the following in the Ukrainian language.
It was planned that articles of scientific, engineering and editorial and publishing workers on the issues of technology and printing technology would be published annually in the thematic journal; printing materials science; mechanization and automation of production processes; organization, economics and planning of printing production; publishing and editing; artistic and technical design of printed products. The journal should contain articles on the main directions of scientific research conducted in educational and research printing institutes, enterprises of the USSR.
The journal was intended for engineering and technical staff of printing companies and printing machinery, editorial and publishing staff, employees in printing press branch, and members of scientific and technical societies of printing and publishing companies, research workers, graduate students and students of printing institutes. From the very beginning only the authors from Ukraine could publish articles in the journal, but gradually geography expanded and the authors from other republics of the USSR and from abroad begun to appear in it. The journal was published annually from 1964 (except for 1965, 1969, 1991 and 1992), twice a year in 1970, 1993, 1997, 2002, four times a year – in 2011, 2012.
The scientific and technical journal "Printing and Publishing" was based on the principles of high professionalism of the authors of scientific publications, author's and editorial ethics, multi-level independent review, and fight against plagiarism, transparent publishing, and editing processes. In the documents the basic principles of organization of the publication of the scientific and technical journal "Printing and publishing" were established, in particular:
I. Basic principles
3. Republican interdepartmental scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-methodical journals are issued in the form of thematic journals or separate thematic series. The size of one edition of a journal (series) should not exceed 10 - 15 printed sheets. Each journal contains not more than two articles from one author or co-author. Articles included in the journals, as a rule, should be not less than 0.5 printed sheets, and only in individual cases, with the permission of the editorial board, it can be brought to 1 printed sheet.
4. For preparing republican interdepartmental scientific journals at higher educational establishments and research institutions approved by main organizations, editorial boards are formed on public grounds.
5. The structure of the editorial boards of the republican interdepartmental scientific and scientific-technical journals and the main organizations providing their publications are approved by orders of the respective ministries and departments of the USSR in agreement with the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the coordination of scientific research works.
6. The leading scientists and specialists of research institutions, higher educational establishments, design organizations and interested ministries and departments of the USSR are involved in the editorial boards of the republican interagency scientific and scientific-technical journals.
7. Research institutions or higher educational establishments, as the main organizations, create the appropriate conditions for the work of the editorial boards of the republican interagency scientific and scientific-technical journals and, in accordance with the existing requirements of publishing houses, prepare for their publication.
8. In order to provide technical work related to the preparation of manuscripts of journals for publication, the main organizations, in agreement with the ministry or department of the USSR, which are responsible for publishing interagency journals, will allocate the necessary states within the limits established by their number and wage funds.
9. The publication of interdepartmental scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-methodical journals is carried out by the republican publishing houses. They are responsible for the final preparation of manuscripts for publication, the artwork and technical editing of journals, signing them for printing and publishing.
10. Publishing houses, which are charged with the publication of republican interagency journalss, are determined and approved by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the press.
II. Structure, rights, and responsibilities of editorial boards of republican interdepartmental scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-methodical journals
1. The Editorial Board of the republican interagency thematic scientific or scientific-technical compilation consists of the responsible editor, his deputy, the responsible secretary and members of the editorial board.
2. Editorial boards of republican interagency thematic scientific and scientific-technical journals are responsible for:
- the ideological, scientific and technical level of scientific and scientific-technical journals, and for the quality of their preparation for publication;
- developing the journal line, preferring to post the articles of postgraduate students, determine the terms for submission of articles to the regular journals and establish, in agreement with the appropriate publishers of the USSR, the terms of final preparation of the journals for publication;
- carrying out the assembling of a series of scientific journals as scientific papers arrive, determine the names of series and their areas;
- organizing all work on analysis, review and special editing of articles.
3. Meetings of editorial boards are held regularly, in due time, but not less than twice a year. They are considered eligible if more than half of the members of the editorial board were present.
4. Editorial boards are entitled:
- to send scientific institutions, higher educational establishments and other specialized institutions and enterprises of the USSR the manuscript of scientific works for the review, which should provide a public review of these works within a 20-day period;
- to reject articles that by their content do not correspond to the current level of the relevant branch of science, notifying the author or the organization that sent the article;
- to return articles to the authors for revision and processing, indicating the necessary changes that should be made in the article;
- to implement conferences for authors and readers.
5. Articles rejected by the editorial board are returned to the authors.
6. The final manuscript of the journal is considered and approved by the editorial board of the respective journal and is transferred in two copies to the publishing house through the main organization.
7. Directors (rectors) of scientific institutions and higher educational establishments:
a) organize among scientists and teaching staff the journal of materials for their publication in scientific, scientific-technical or scientific-methodical journals;
b) provide, by the forces of scientists or lecturers, on a voluntary basis, review of the materials sent by the republican interdepartmental editorial boards;
c) organize a systematic discussion and review of materials published in the republican interdepartmental scientific and scientific-technical journals;
d) promote the distribution of journals in their educational or scientific institution.
III. Distribution of republican interagency thematic scientific and scientific and technical journals
1. The organization of orders for the distribution and sale of republican interagency thematic scientific and scientific-technical journals is carried out through the bookstore network Ukrknyga of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the press and Ukoopspilka.
2. "Ukrknyga" and Ukoopspilka receive from the publishers of the USSR annotations for the republican interdepartmental thematic scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-methodical journals and organize the work on collecting orders for the distribution and sale of journals in accordance with the existing procedure.
3. Interested ministries, departments and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR through their research institutions, higher educational establishments, and other organizations organize work on propagation and collecting orders for the corresponding republican interagency thematic journals and submit them to local bookseller organizations, thus achieving the profitability of scientific and scientific-technical journals.
4. The publishing houses of the Ukrainian SSR together with Ukrknyga, Ukoopspilka and relevant republican interdepartmental editorial boards of scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-methodical journals organize timely advertising of journals.
IV. Controversial issues
All disputed interagency issues concerning the work of the republican interagency editorial boards and the main organizations in preparation for the publication of scientific, scientific-technical and scientific and methodological journals are considered in the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the coordination of scientific research, the decision of which is final.
The 35th issue of the journal "Printing and Publishing" by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine is included in the list of professional editions of Ukraine. The results of the dissertation papers may be published for obtaining the scientific degrees of a doctor and a candidate of technical sciences (Decree No. 9, dated June 9, 1999) 05/7) and the economic sciences (Decree No. 01-01 / 10 of December 13, 2000). Articles of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, published in the scientific and technical journal, are enrolled as specialists in the field of philological sciences on the basis of the conclusion of the expert council WAC Ukraine on literary criticism, separately in each particular case, upon submission of a specialized academic council (Decree No. 3-05 / 9 of 14.11.2001).
Since 2008, all electronic versions of the "Printing and Publishing" edition are deposited in the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and are presented on the portal in the information resource "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine".
Since 2008, the edition has been included into the national abstract database "Ukrayinika Naukova" and the Ukrainian theses journal "Dzherelo".
Since 2014, the journal is indexed by Google Scholar.
Since 2014, the journal is indexed by an international scientometric database Index Copernicus.