An integrated way to study advertising text

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Mykhailovych O. P. № 2 (78) 107-116 Image Image

Researching of advertising texts are conducted in various directions: analysis of psychological impact, linguistics of the text, cultural aspects of creation, etc. Some authors consider advertising even as a form of journalistic creativity. However, it would be incorrect to start from the standards of non-fiction, fiction or other types of texts during creating or analysing promotional text. Advertising text cannot be considered as a sequence of characters only. For such text category of integrity (semantic and communicative unity) is more essential. The dual nature of advertising text (the interaction of internal and external structures) influences the features of its study. External structures involve the study of lexical layers, grammatical, phonetic components. Studying the internal structure of the ad text involves a connotative-denotative analysis that reveals the underlying and hidden values and their relationships. The hidden meanings of words in promotional texts require special study. When considering the communicative organization of advertising text, it is important to take into account the nature and behaviour of sign units in real communication conditions, i.e. in specific social, speech situations. The focus of the studied text on the communicative process emphasizes pragmatics, since the pragmatic orientation of the advertising text is to encourage the recipient to take appropriate actions (purchase of the advertised product). The degree of effectiveness of advertising communication is determined by how well this action has been achieved. At the same time, it is very important to take into account sociological parameters. The communicative power has neither sentence nor expression. It is the recipient who puts their energy into this expression. Therefore, to create a semantic base of advertising text, as well as its research requires orientation on the features of the recipient. So we believe that an integrated way based on communication theory, linguistic pragmatics, perlocurial linguistics, socio-psycholinguistics, may be an adequate method to studying such a complex phenomenon as advertising text.

Keywords: advertising text, communication, recipient, pragmatics.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-2-78-107-116

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