Formation of the integral quality indicator of the publication structuring process

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Kudriashova A. V., Lytovchenko N. M. № 1 (75) 82-89 Image Image

The necessity of implicit (non-verbal) evaluation of linguistic variables of the studied technological process has been substantiated. The key features of the use of methods and means of fuzzy logic have been presented. An algorithm for determining the integral quality indicator of the structuring process of the publication has been described. A set of linguistic variables (factors influencing the quality of the implementation of the book edition structuring) has been formed, which includes: the type of publication, the volume of the publication, the format of the publication, the page layout, proofreading, the font design of the publication, the illustration design of the publication. Partial quality indicators of linguistic variables have been singled out and grouped according to the functional purpose. In this case, the first argument identifies a summary indicator that determines the quality of the output data of the publication; the second argument is a summary indicator that determines the quality of the publication processing; the third argument is a summary indicator that determines the quality of the publication design. The recommended limits for assigning a universal set of values and the term-p­lu­ral of each linguistic variable of the structuring process of the book edition have been given. The model of fuzzy logic inference has been constructed, which includes such subordinate models: the model of quality of the output data of the publication, the model of the quality of the publication processing, the model of the quality of the publication design. The presented model reflects the hierarchical dependence of the qua­lity of the implementation of the book edition structuring process on the values of the linguistic terms of the factors, and the component of its highest level determines the out­put forecasted quality indicator of the implementation of the studied process in the form of a fuzzy set.

Keywords: fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic inference, membership function, phasification, dephasing, linguistic variable, term set, linguistic term, factor, model, structure of the publication, book edition, quality, integral indicator.

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