Geometric synthesis and study of kinematic parameters of a die-cutting press with a pressure segment

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Rehei I. I., Книш Р. О., Ternovyi A. M. № 2 (86) 163-173 Image Image

It is established that during flat die-cutting of cardboard blanks, short-term significant technological forces occur. An analysis of methods for manufacturing cardboard blanks that allow reducing peak technological loads is conducted. Among them, those providing a limited contact area between the pressure means in the die-cutting press are highlighted. A new scheme of a die-cutting press with a pressure segment and a cam-toothed drive mechanism is proposed. The use of a pressure segment ensures a minimal contact area between it and the die-cutting form. As a result, the minimization of technological loads occurs, contributing to the reduction of energy and metal consumption of the die-cutting press. Geometric synthesis of the press is carried out. Its relative geometric parameters, the width of the contact strip between the pressure segment and the die-cutting form, are determined. A methodology for calculating the relative kinematic parameters of the motion of the toothed wheel axis and the toothed rack with a carriage are developed. Based on the research results, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the change in the relative kinematic parameters of the toothed wheel axis and the carriage drive mechanism are established. Graphical dependencies of kinematic parameters of the motion of the toothed wheel axis and the carriage are constructed depending on the rotation angle of the cam of the cam-toothed mechanism. Based on the study of kinematic parameters of the motion of the toothed wheel, dependencies for determining the relative angular kinematic parameters of the pressure segment rolling along the die-cutting form are derived. The influence of the relative radius of the segment on the change in its kinematic parameters of motion is studied. Corresponding graphical dependencies are constructed. Based on the geometric synthesis of the press and the study of the kinematic parameters of the motion of the pressure segment, directions for further research on force parameters are outlined.

Keywords: segment, die-cutting, press, forces, drive, cam, kinematic parameters, toothed wheel, rack.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-163-173

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