Information-cognitive structure of testing to determine the professional characteristics of the staff of one team

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Тупичак Л. Л., Карнаухов В., Гуцуляк О. М., Дронь С., Процак А. № 2 (80) 72-80 Image Image

At the present stage, many technologies have been developed for testing for professional suitability according to the knowledge and psychological characteristics of a person – a candidate for a certain type of activity. The study identifies the basic requirements – the characteristics that must be met by staff in relation to the selected type of activity in the management hierarchy of complex man-made and organizational-administrative systems. An important criterion for the successful functioning of the organization and its development is to ensure the appropriate level of human resource management system. There is a significant role in IT development, because to remain competitive in the market, management and employees must have team communication, analytical and flexible system of adaptation to such dynamic changes as certification, career planning, stimulating of staff development.

In the field of information technology, the formation of personnel development strategy adheres to a number of principles, such as: adaptability, responsibility, com­prehensiveness, innovation. An important task in IT companies is the study of indicators that affect the development and performance, as well as the use of information and cognitive techniques and tests to determine the professional characteristics of managers and staff of one team.

An important aspect of testing is the transition from the perception of the image of the situation, formed from the data flow from objects and agents, to understanding the meaning, which requires the introduction of information technology, systems analysis, knowledge engineering in the process of making and implementing management de­cisions. Accordingly, the logic of thinking appears as a reflection of the information structure of the decision-making process.

Keywords: tests, information technology, decision making, team, managerial thin­king.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-72-80

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