Interaction of basic concepts of colour theory with colour reproduction in modern digital systems

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Dudiak V. O., Kovalskyi B. M., Pysanchyn N. S., Zanko N. V. № 1 (75) 19-30 Image Image

The article deals with the main tasks of colour reproduction in printing industry, in which data visualization takes place using digital signals.

The relationship between the basic concepts of colour theory and the representation of colour information in modern desktop publishing systems based on computer tech­nology has been described.

Schemes for converting colour coordinates into one pixel of a digital image with various transformations in the processing of graphic information have been made.

It has been shown that the CIE XYZ model is a master model of practically all other color models used in technical areas, while CIE XYZ and CIE LAB systems provide the basis for calculations in image processing software.

The role of basic concepts on the principles of colour reproduction in modern tech­nologies of digital reproduction of colour image has been shown.

The material, which indicates the relationship between colorimetric transformations, has been systematized, based on the experiments of the international commission of the CII of the beginning of the last century with the representation of colour information in computer-publishing systems.

The order of calculation of input values for the visualization of the image file in coor­dinates of abstract RGB-space has been presented.

It has been shown that the colorimetric systems developed by the international commission on the illumination of the CIE at the beginning of the last century, act as a connecting mathematical space for all color transformations in the process of rep­roduction of colour images. But the correct use of modern software is possible only in the understanding of mathematical calculations, the fundamentals of the science of colour and the possibilities of the colour reproduction technology.

Keywords: colour theory, colour reproduction, digital images, CIE systems, co­lo­ri­metric calculations.

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