Journalistic investigation under the martial law: correlation of the collective and the individual

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Василенко М. К. № 2 (86) 272-282 Image Image

The article deals with the problem of the collective and the individual in journalistic investigation under the legal regime of martial law. It is noted that, unlike an ordinary investigation, the extreme conditions of society require changes in the methods of journalistic activity, especially in such a specific form as investigation. It is emphasized that journalistic investigation during military operations is dangerous primarily because of the possible harm that can be caused by unverified facts and direct disinformation. A journalistic investigation is often carried out with a threat to the physical safety of the reporter who collects the facts and the analyst who interprets these facts. The author explains the essence of the process and format of possible post-facto editing of materials, and analyses the moral aspect of this problem.

The article is illustrated with references to the practice of domestic journalists in the Ukrainian media, and historical excursions of investigative reporting are provided. The problem of ethic responsibility of reporter, who conducts investigation in relation to the fate of heroes of journalistic work in the real, further life, is considered. It is indicated that sometimes subjective moments (the shortage of time, experience, urgent necessity to publish the material) make it impossible to verify the text.

The method of historical digression for extrapolation of reflection of past events on present reality is used. This research concludes, that realities of the past often coincide with a present situation. Ordinary human instincts in extreme terms work approximately identically. The question of the degree of speculation and fiction in a journalistic work is carefully analysed, as well as the extrapolation of the interpretation of this concept to wartime.

Keywords: investigation, professional ethics, genres, reportage, individual creativity, collective creativity, responsibility.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-272-282

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