Methodological principles of software quality formation (part 1: basic model of quality factors)

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Senkivskyi V. M., Pikh I. V., Kalynii I. V., Сеньківський Н. Ю., Драгоміров М. А. № 2 (84) 11-23 Image Image

The concept of “quality” in relation to software acts as a certain characteristic, criterion or metric, the degree of compliance with which should be as close as possible to a certain standard that determines the optimal quality. Since software, unlike many types of products, is often created for (under) a specific customer, the requirements for its quality have a slightly different interpretation, because they are formed additionally depending on the needs of the future user.

The adopted international standards related to software indicate that with the de­velopment of the software industry there is a need to change approaches and criteria for assessing the quality of these products. Quantification of software quality characteristics with the help of metrics determines the level of programs “a posteriori”, requiring decision-making to eliminate the shortcomings of the final product. This approach is supplemented in the article by the methodology of a priori obtaining the quality of the resulting products through the development of tools (models or information technologies) that determine the factors of formation and prognostic assessment of the quality of processes at the stage of their implementation.

The paper contains a review of literature sources related to the proposed topic. The expediency of using the information concept of quality formation of publishing and printing processes in relation to the study of software quality issues is substantiated. The main characteristics (factors) of software quality, determined by standards in the field of software engineering, are highlighted. A formalized graphical representation of the structural relationships between the factors using a semantic network, the description of which is made using the language of predicate logic. Using the methodology of modeling hierarchies, the levels of preferences of factors are determined on the basis of the constructed binary matrix of reachability, the processing of which is performed by iterative tables. The basic model of factors of influence on software quality is synthesized by means of infographics.

Keywords: software, software quality factors, semantic network, predicate logic language, hierarchy modeling, reachability matrix, iteration tables, quality factors model.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-2-84-9-21

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