A conceptual hierarchical model for the formation of the quality of banknote production at the offset printing stage has been developed, in which the quality criteria that are subject to automated control during the initial control of finished products and the control of wear and tear have been highlighted.
The use of a conceptual hierarchical model for ensuring the quality of banknote production at the stage of offset printing, taking into account automated sorting, enables to make a thorough analysis of causative phenomena in order to ensure the conformity of the quality of banknotes with certain criteria.
A conceptual hierarchical model for forming the quality of offset printing based on automated sorting has been created, which enables to ensure the accuracy of the control of banknotes wear and the ability to control this process by establishing the acceptable standards of wear indicators and adjusting the sorting equipment. The quality criteria of offset printing have also been systematized, taking into account the development of technologies for the production of protected products.
The suggested model sets forth the quality criteria that are subject to automated control during the initial control of finished products and the control of wear and tear, which makes it possible to purposefully establish the directions of quality assurance of offset printing, to carry out the input control of materials, the initial control of finished products and to adjust the process of control of banknotes wear.
Keywords: banknote, offset printing, quality control, wear control, quality criteria, hierarchy analysis method.
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