Modelling and synthesis of tone transfer for fourth dimensional flexographic printing systems

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Сідікі О. С. № 2 (80) 61-71 Image Image

To solve the tasks set for the work, there have been used: methods of mathematical modelling; graph theory to construct graphs of ink streams circulating in the printing system; signal theory to describe the modulation of ink flows by raster printing plate; image processing theory for analysis of colour raster image reproduction; object-oriented programming using the Matlab: Simulink software package for software development and simulation and tone synthesis of flexographic printing systems.

The study has developed an analytical method of two-parameter synthesis of tone transfer in flexographic printing system of the fourth dimension for raster elements of round shape, determined the parameters of the corrective link, which includes models of flexographic system and raster printing plate, which modulates raster flow and image transfer. The results of simulation modelling of the synthesized tone transfer are presented.

The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that mathematical models of flexo­graphic printing systems of different structure and dimension are constructed, which describe the process of colour ink transfer, the thickness of which depends on the degree of coverage of the printing plate by raster elements in the tone transfer interval. Under different technological influences, a two-parameter mathematical model of auto-typical tone transfer has been constructed, including a model of a printing system, which modulates the ink flow and takes into account the change in ink thickness depending on the tone interval, which is the basis for synthesis.

Simulators of ink-printing systems of different structure are developed, which model the processes that take place during printing, calculate the static characteristics of the systems under different influences, model the auto-typical tone transfer and visualize the results.

Keywords: synthesis, tone transfer, rasterization, ink thickness, flexography, cor­rec­tive link, simulator, characteristics.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-61-71

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