Optimization of factor model of reader’s demand for the book

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Senkivskyi V. M., Pikh I. V., Kudriashova A. V., Senkivska N. Ye., Kalynii I. V. № 1 (81) 11-20 Image Image

The active age of a book depends on the spiritual needs of its fans (or just users), which are determined by the reader’s interest and many preconditions of an objective and subjective nature. Thus, the problem of studying the process of interest in the book becomes relevant, which can be a supplement to sociological, historical, literary research on the “life” of the book after it leaves the walls of the printing house.

In view of the above, the article analyzes the publications on this topic and notes the lack of work focused on the use of modern information technology to study the mentioned issues. There is a lack of completeness of research related to the formation of components of the information database, focused on the formalized mapping of the links between the factors influencing the process of assessing the level of reader’s demand for the book. This reinforces the urgency of the task, which focuses on the study of the influence of a certain set of factors, the relationship between which must be formalized by means suitable for the use of systems analysis, modeling theory and hierarchy analysis. The factors related to the interest of the readership in the book are singled out and described. In the course of the research a formalized representation of many factors influencing the interest in the book is performed. A semantic network has been built to graphically and linguistically reproduce the links between the factors that affect the level of reader’s demand. Using a scale of relative importance of objects, a matrix of pairwise comparisons is constructed, the processing of which ensured the receipt of conditional weight values of factors. An optimized model of the priority influence of a single set of factors on the intensity of the process of interest in a book, expressed by the level of reader’s demand, is synthesized.

Keywords: factor, reader’s demand, semantic network, predicates, ranking, scale of relative importance of objects, matrix of pairwise comparisons, optimization, multilevel model.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-1-81-11-20

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