Production of good news in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war (on the example of online media “ShoTam”)

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Соломенко Л. І. № 2 (86) 283-294 Image Image

The article analyses the peculiarities of the creation and operation of the online good news media “ShoTam”, taking into account the atypical product for the media market — good news. The media highlights successful stories of Ukrainians, examples of creative solutions and positive changes in society and the state, and aims to motivate Ukrainians to change themselves and their country, as well as eradicate the stereotype of a “poor, deceived and abandoned” Ukrainian.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the target audience of “ShoTam” has increased 5.5 times, taking into account the number of views on the site and views of video content.

It is found that in the first half of 2023, during the first quarter, the online media “ShoTam” published an average of 13 news reports daily, and in the second quarter — 41 reports. Branded materials from “ShoTam” were mandatory, created in the format of video or text stories about non-public heroes or heroines whose life stories inspire. News stories for every fifth day of the month during the first half of 2023 were selected and divided into 6 thematic categories: “News from the front”, “Help for Ukraine and Ukrainians”, “All-Ukrainian news”, “Local news”, “Success stories” and “Good deeds from ShoTam”.

According to the quantitative indicator, all-Ukrainian news prevails among the good news (26%). From the point of view of qualitative analysis, the category of branded materials with successful stories is more important, since this is where the main mission of the online publication “ShoTam” is realized.

It has been established that the sources of good news for “ShoTam” media are not only messages from readers and viewers, but also unfinished stories in other media, stories and contacts from volunteers, on the basis of which online media specialists prepare detailed success stories.

Keywords: social media, online media, news reports, good news, topics, brand ma­terials, video stories, success stories.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-283-294

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