Research of the strength and durability of perfect bound book blocks

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Knysh O. B., Kravchuk I. M., Ternytskyi S. V. № 1 (75) 100-108 Image Image

The strength and durability of perfect bound book blocks subjected to spine pro­cessing by disk cutter, that are inclined at an angle to the spine, have been studied. The paper shows that the problem of high quality of book perfect binding still remains re­le­vant, especially for book blocks made from coated paper. Modern research is being carried out in two directions — the improvement of adhesives and the spine processing tools. This paper is focused on solving the problem of improving of spine processing.

The research has been carried out on the experimental stand that is mounted on the perfect binding machine Trendbinder. In this article, the influence of grooves step and the inclination of disk cutter relatively to the spine on the strength and durability of perfect bound book blocks has been determined. Book blocks made from coated paper weighing from 70 to 120 g/m2 have been used for the research. Gluing of spines has been carried out by two types of adhesives — thermo and PVAD. The quality of adhesive binding has been evaluated using “pull” and “flex” methods.

In the outcomes, the experimental research has determined the optimal modes of spine processing by disk cutters in terms of providing maximum bound book blocks strength and durability. The article shows that the biggest influence on the strength of binding has the step of the applied grooves, also the effect of cutters inclination angle is minimal. It has been established that the strength of the bound blocks is in line with the assessment “very good” according to the known norms for all researched types of paper. The comparative analysis of the results shows an increase of strength compared to the relevant indexes for book blocks manufactured using the existing technology on the machine Trendbinder. The increase has been achieved by 22-34% according to “flex” test and by 4.0-9.4% according to “pull” tests.

Keywords: рerfect binding, book block, spine, disk cutter, “pull” test, “flex” test.

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