Synthesis of cam-gear mechanism for discrete turn of cylinders with tools for rotating waste stripping in die-cutting equipment

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Kavyn Ya. M., Kravchuk I. M., Kuznetsov V. O., Olishkevych V. Yu., Rehei I. I. № 2 (76) 11-19 Image Image

Manufacturing of cardboard packages can be accomplished using different tech­nologies. The first one is operational, which implies printing on the cardboard blanks and after that – die-cutting using special presses. The second one is complex manufacturing of the involute on the automatic machines with simultaneous multi-color printing on the cardboard blanks and die-cutting of involutes.

The most worked out method is die-cutting that uses flat presses. This method has several benefits: the perfection of modern production technology of flat die-cutting forms, providing accurate reproduction of the projected involutes shape, versatility in usage of cardboard with wide range of thickness and formats. For the step-by-step transfer of gripper bar with cardboard blanks through the die-cutter, a cam-gear mechanisms is used. This mechanism provides the stamina of gripper bar with cardboard blanks during die-cutting, waste stripping and blank separation operations.

The article presents the calculation method of cam-gear mechanism geometric and kinematic parameters. It has been stated that modern die-cutting equipment is high-performance, complex and multifunctional. The engineering synthesis of the cam-gear mechanism for the drive of cylinder with tools for rotational waste stripping from die-cutted cardboard blanks has been executed. Rotational method of waste stripping and blank separation operations simplifies the technical construction of the die-cutters by replacing the individual drives of the upper plate and the lower frame with the tools on the existing drive from the cam-gear mechanism. In addition, the usage of the cam-gear mechanism in the drive of equipment provides its reliable functioning through a permanent structure. Based on the performed calculations, it has been established that the sinusoidal law of periodic motion provides smooth acceleration and deceleration of cylinder with tools. Usage of the rotational waste stripping method provides the overall dimensions minimization of the die-cutting equipment.

Keywords: die-cutting equipment, waste stripping section, cylinder, cam-gear me­chanism, law of periodic motion, kinematic parameters.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2018-2-76-11-19

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