The role of books in the formation of students’ culturological outlook

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Yakubovska M. S. № 2 (76) 142-148 Image Image

The role of the book in the development of the cultural outlook of contemporary students has been considered. The archetypes of formation of students’ active thinking activity with the help of artistic texts have been studied. The paradigm of the synergetic approach to the study of scientific phenomena of the modern technical field of activity has been drawn on the basis of the developed culturological outlook of students, which makes it possible to look at these concepts in a broad generalizing spectrum and in conjunction with other processes of the surrounding world.

The role of the book in systemic changes of innovative educational paradigms has been considered from the system of empirical learning of the educational material to multi-vectored comprehension. The accumulation of more and more information in the system of modern education requires a qualitative rethinking of the paradigm of an educational model, which consists not only in the ever-increasing mastery of knowledge, but in the development of a qualitatively new system of thinking activity and a harmonious, developed outlook.

The role of artistic text as an important factor in the formation of thinking activity of contemporary students has been researched. Correspondingly, there is a reorientation of students’ world outlook from the passive perception of the world to the construction of a harmonious worldview model, in the system of which there is a logically phased, multi-vector formation of human individuality that sees and perceives the world through a system of understanding of the causal relationships of the world model.

The role of the synergetic method in the systematic development of artistic tests has been considered – during which the logical, systemic, reformatting of thinking activity in multi-dimensional measurements takes place. This method is a unique tool that reduces the spiritual substance of human personality and becomes the basis for the formation of the motivational principles of professional activity.

Keywords: archetype of modern culture, culturological paradigm, culturological outlook, democratization of education, innovative programs, harmonious development of personality.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2018-2-76-142-148

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