The role of visual communication in brand formation and development

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Mykhailovych O. P., Ivasenko L. O., Капраль І. І. № 2 (84) 125-129 Image Image

The article examines the visual presentation of a brand as a communication method to convey the information about values and competitive advantages to the target audience for the purpose of effective promotion of goods and services on the market. Designers who work on creating a visual image of a brand, convert the brand’s strategy, values and characteristics into visual concepts that evoke the desired recipient reactions. Brand personality, its expression, presentation, declaration of advantages is formed through clear, evident and understandable visual modalities. Therefore, at the stage of brand formation, work towards individualization is extremely important and justified, and work in this direction will require constant support in the future. The task is to establish a personal relationship between the brand and the audience through the emotional impact of messages, maintaining and broadcasting in a unique and original style, creating an attractive design for a specific audience. This issue is especially relevant in conditions of the oversaturated market, when the offer exceeds the real need.

The author of this article emphasizes such possibilities of visual brand communication. First of all, images evoke emotions in the target audience, which is the first step to fur­ther forming a trusting relationship with the brand. Visual communication allows one to remember the brand with the help of special shapes, colors, fonts, etc., and the peculiarities of their interaction. Thanks to the creative approach of the designer, visual markers help to easily identify the brand, make it stand out from others, and not get lost in large flows of information. The consumer quickly receives the information about benefits and advantages through recognizable symbols that do not require translation and serve as understandable and meaningfully rich codes.

Keywords: visual communication, visual image, design, target audience, positioning, brand personality, brand values.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-2-84-123-129

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