To the issue of the periodization of the Ukrainian community radio history in the world media environment

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Hyrina T. S. № 1 (75) 125-130 Image Image

On the basis of the monitoring of press releases of the Ukrainian diaspora of Ca­nada, USA, Germany, the periodization of the development of Ukrainian-language radio in the context of global progress in the media sector in the 20th and early 21st centuries has been presented.

The analysis of actual data collected during the monitoring of press releases of the Ukrainian diaspora of Canada, the USA, Germany has become the basis for the development of the periodization of the development of Ukrainian-language radio in the world media environment. Stages of radio broadcasting in Ukrainian on mainland Ukraine presented in the scientific literature, as well as the results of the study conducted by its foreign sector have demonstrated the parallelism of the process of progress until the moment Ukraine became independent. It has been stated that despite the high expectations of emigration in the first years, since 1997 there has been a noticeable tendency towards the autonomy of the diaspora broadcasting, where the process of focusing on internal problems intensified. The tendency in the turbulent years of the revolutionary events in the Motherland in 2004-2005 and in 2013-2014 has weakened somewhat, but in the future it remains unchanged.

Highly structured, active, socially responsible communities of Ukrainians in the Mo­­therland are often forgotten, autonomous and unheard of. The Ukrainian-language radio has never been regarded by scientists as a complete system, because without its foreign segment, it can not be like this. Therefore, solving the system problem of comp­rehension of the potential of Ukrainian-language radio as a competitive partner in the international multinational media space in conditions of transformation and convergence requires an understanding of its historical transformations.

Keywords: broadcasting history, world media environment, transformation, Ukrai­nian-language radio.

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