Topical types of advertising of publishing products (according to the results of the youth survey)

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Shenderivska L. P., Карпінська В. В., Шумак З. А. № 2 (80) 168-175 Image Image

The importance of the marketing stage in the successful distribution of publishing products has been explained. The most effective types of advertising in modern conditions have been suggested. A poll was conducted among the young population on the topic of advertising preferences. The necessity of creating a publishing house’s website has been substantiated. One of possible platforms for creating a website has been proposed and the cost nuances have been described. Such types are suggested as possible types of advertisement communications: publishing house website; collaboration with book bloggers; storytelling, longreads, native advertising; goods and products with the symbols of the publishing house; printed stickers with the symbols of the publisher or sets of stickers in social networks; internet mailing and promotions; chatbots, informational channels in messengers; use of QR-codes on advertising banners, pro­ducts, etc; interactive advertising. The proposed types of communications have been distributed by popularity, based on the poll. The result of the poll was transformed to the charts and histograms for clarity and ease of perception. The percentage of the survey results has been given and analysed. All the proposed advertising communications types have been explained and its advantages and disadvantages in the context of youths’ preferences have been analysed. In addition, the alternative options of suggested advertising communications types use have been given, analysed and explained. The recommendations for their implementation and cost reduction have been given. Variants of advertising combinations have been given in order to increase its efficiency.

Keywords: advertising communications, publishing, polls, publishing products, dist­ribution, effective implementation of advertising, internet-advertising.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-168-175

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