Analysis of the topics of literary and artistic editions of women`s authorship through the prism of gender

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Myznikova T. V. № 1 (77) 162-171 Image Image

The article provides a list and a brief analysis of the topics most often used by domestic and foreign female writers for creating, and Ukrainian publishers – for the production of literary and artistic publications of women’s authorship. For a thematic analysis of “feminine” prose, an appropriate segment of books has been studied on the sites of leading Ukrainian publishing houses, as well as in the Chronicle of Books for 2010-2017.

Monitoring of these sources of information has shown that foreign and domestic female authors more often choose topics from the so-called microcosm. It means psychology, drama, the philosophy of family relationships, searching for yourself, self-realization, love, etc. The microcosm considers the elements that are relevant mainly to the protagonist, his personal, family life lines.

In the second place in the “female” prose there is the topic of the macrocosm, covering more time and space, with an emphasis on general, international, interplanetary, intergalactic problems. Between the themes of the microcosm and the macrocosm are the themes of the spiritual, internal principle, when to the literary and artistic publications of women’s authorship are variously added to artistical, cultural, mythological, nostalgic themes. In the course of the research, a gender tendency has been discovered when male authors more actively chose topics from the macroworld category, and women – from the microworld category.

In addition, during the analysis of the topics of the editions studied, certain thematic trends of individual Ukrainian publishing houses have been tracked, when each publishing house concentrates on the production of relevant thematic areas of “female” prose. Although these tendencies are not final and may change, a certain pattern still exists.

Keywords: topics, women’s prose, publishing, gender.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-162-171

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