Determination of the optimal amount of cycles for previous ink filling of ink printing system with account of the oscillator roller influence

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Panovyk U. P., Verkhola M. I. № 1 (75) 90-99 Image Image

The presented article is devoted to the process research for previous ink filling at an ink printing system before printing. A mathematical model of consistent structure ink printing system with the oscillator roller has been developed which takes into account the process of the circular and axial distribution of ink when transporting it from the ink feeding unit to the printed material. On the basis of the mathematical model, a simulator of an ink printing system in the Matlab-Simulink environment has been constructed, which makes it possible to conduct the research of the ink transfer process taking into account various perturbations influence. The research and analysis of the ink printing system switching to the steady working mode at different coefficients of the plate filling with the printing elements has been carried out. An information technology for determining the optimal amount of cycles for previous ink filling at an ink printing system with oscillator roller has been developed. The implementation of this technology is based on a computer simulation of the ink distribution and transfer in this system to obtain the thickness of ink on the surface of the form roller. On the basis of the data obtained during the simulation of the ink printing system’s work, the number of the system’s working cycles for its previous ink filling at different loads is determined. Applying the methods of minimization to the obtained data, the optimum number of cycles for previous ink filling of an ink printing system is determined at which the least amount of substandard imprints will be received. According to the researches, which are presented in the form of tables and a graph, the nature of the dependence of the cycles for previous ink filling at an ink printing system taking into account of the oscillator roller influence has been established.

The suggested information technology for determining the optimal amount of wor­king cycles for previous ink filling at an ink printing system can be applied to ink printing systems of any structure. This technology makes it possible to simplify the preparation of the printing press for printing and to reduce substantially the costs of ink and paper during the ink printing system switching to the printing working mode.

Keywords: ink printing system, mathematical model, working mode, transition pro­cess, previous ink filling of system, computer simulation, information technology.

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