When reproducing printed elements of augmented reality, the issue of accuracy and compliance of the obtained imprint in all parameters with the digital original plays a big role. However, the conditions of use of printed products, in particular external operating conditions (lighting conditions, air humidity, weather conditions) and material characteristics (glossiness, resistance to external conditions, etc.), can significantly affect the visual characteristics of the obtained imprints (color change, doubling of the contour, appearance highlights and extra darkened areas, etc.), which will lead to failures in their reproduction. This is especially important for printed products that have intensive conditions of use with possible constant changes. Therefore, it is quite important to apply additional measures at the stage of pre-press preparation of this kind of printed products, which would allow reducing the number of control operations at each stage of the technological process of its production, as well as to ensure appropriate indicators of reliability and durability throughout the entire period of its operation. In particular, the regulation of the characteristics of printed markers will allow selecting the appropriate indicators of the markers, which will avoid intense external influence. One of these important indicators is the degree of detail of the marker drawing. This work is devoted to determining the rational values of the degree of detail of AR-markers for printing products with elements of augmented reality.
Keywords: simulation model, imprints quality, quality indicator, AR marker, ink-jet printing, clarity, printed products, reproduction-graphic properties.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-49-59
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