Experimental evaluation of the speed mode effect on power loads of the combined mechanism of the press plate drive at cardboard die-cutting

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Kandiak N. M., Rehei I. I., Ternytskyi S. V., Vlakh V. V. № 1 (75) 43-50 Image Image

A laboratory test device for experimental research of a combined mechanism of the press plate drive in a flat die-cutting press has been developed and designed. The torque value on the drive shaft of the mechanism has been experimentally determined during the process of cutting of the cardboard samples of different thickness.

The article is focused on the research of the torques on the drive shaft of the combined mechanism of the press plate that arise in the process of die-cutting the cardboard involutes with different thickness at different values of the speed of the laboratory test device.

A high-precision contactless tachometer has been used for the study of angular ve­locity on the drive shaft and control of its value during the experimental study. The strain gauge sensors have been used to measure the torque values on the drive shaft of the combined mechanism of the press plate.

It has been revealed that increasing of the crankshaft, which increases the cutting speed, causes a decrease of torque on the drive shaft of the mechanism. The efficiency of the modernization of the press plate drive mechanism in flat die-cutting presses has been confirmed by the application of the suggested mechanism in view of the possibility to operate at various speeds.

It has been revealed that an increase in the rotation speed of drive shaft by four times from 40 rpm to 160 rpm leads to a decrease of the torque values on the drive shaft of the mechanism for cardboard with the thickness of 0.5 mm and 0.7 mm by 13%, and for thin cardboard with thickness of 0.3 mm — by 30%.

The results of experimental studies have proved the expediency of improving the flat die-cutting presses by the mechanism of the lower press plate drive.

Keywords: packaging, die-cutting press, cutting, ejector pillow, crank-crosshead mechanism, cardboard, torque, rotation frequency, tachometer.

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