Formation of fuzzy logical equations of post-printing processes design

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Kudriashova A. V. № 2 (80) 22-28 Image Image

Methods and means of fuzzy logic are used, which make it possible to establish a specific quantitative indicator of the quality of post-printing processes design. The basic principles of fuzzy logic are identical to the logic of fuzzy sets, which is cha­racterized by fuzzy, blurred boundaries. This approach should be used in the study of technological processes, the factors of which are difficult to represent numerically. To implement these procedures, linguistic variables of post-printing processes are given: “quality of publication formation”, “quality of production organization”, “quality of publication processing”. The linguistic variable of quality of the studied technological process is singled out. Linguistic variables are described by the linguistic terms “low”, “medium”, “high”. A fuzzy knowledge base of the linguistic variable of the integrated quality indicator is constructed, which reflects the hierarchy of the multilevel model of fuzzy inference. On the basis of the formed conditions, the fuzzy matrix of knowledge of a linguistic variable “quality of designing of post-printing processes” is developed. To build a matrix of knowledge, a system of expressions “if-and-then”, “if-then-diffe­rently”, “if-or-then-differently” was used. Fuzzy logical equations for the terms “low”, “medium”, “high” of the analyzed linguistic variable are given, which allow obtai­ning further numerical values of membership functions and integrated forecast of design quality of post-printing processes. There are logical statements about the linguistic variables “quality of publication formation”, “quality of production organization” and “quality of publication processing”. Fuzzy matrices of knowledge of linguistic variables of partial indicators and fuzzy logical equations for certain terms are synthesized. Prerequisites for obtaining a quantitative indicator of the quality of the studied technological process are created.

Keywords: fuzzy logic, linguistic variable, term, fuzzy knowledge base, fuzzy know­ledge matrix, fuzzy logical equation, design of post-printing processes.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-22-28

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