General description of modern Internet space in the application of online social networks

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Kurban O. V. № 1 (71) 216-225 Image Image

The current state of Internet communications has been analyzed, particularly in the segment of online social networks. Specifically, the main emphasis is on the need to systematize the complex acquired in the field of knowledge and the formation of the theoretical and methodological framework. The work presents the authors’ view of solving this issue, in particular he prompted to create a matrix system – at the crossroads of determining the quality characteristics of Internet communications formats and quantitative indicators of applied tools. The importance is given to the problem of transition from online communication form at web 3.0 to 4.0. The basis of web 4.0 is predicted to be the artificial intelligence system and automatic generation of the content.

Keywords: social media, web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0, online communication, online social networks.

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