Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Selmenska Z. M., Пітушенко О. А. | № 2 (86) | 143-153 |
The main requirements for high-quality font design for the younger age group, which has a direct impact on ease of reading, are studied. One of the key aspects is taking into account the main factors of ease of reading for publications of the younger age category, as a rule, children in this age category have a lower concentration of attention and corresponding specific features of information perception. Therefore, accordingly, it is necessary not only to consider the necessary requirements for high-quality font design taking into account the necessary requirements for children’s publications, but also to take into account the peculiarities of these aspects on the impact of text perception for children. For publications of the younger age category, it should be taken into account that font design should ensure safe and high-quality design. To single out the main factors influencing the convenience of reading, which help the readability and standardization of publications, which in the future provides confidence in the perception of information for the younger age group. The article presents the dependence of issues of quality characteristics and the influence of a set of factors on the dependence of the ease of reading publications for the younger age category, based on the selection of factors influencing the ease of reading, a mathematical graph is created, which is built on the basis of the theory of graphs and binary matrices, and a hierarchical model of factors influencing the ease of reading editions for the younger age category is built to further improve the effective and high-quality perception of the information presented in a convenient and understandable form.
Keywords: qualitative indicators, graph theory, binary matrices, influence factors, readability, font, edition for the younger age category.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-143-153