Information concept of formation and assessment of book quality

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Senkivskyi V. M., Pikh I. V., Senkivska N. Ye., Kalynii I. V. № 1 (79) 20-29 Image Image

The substantial problem of modern book printing consists in absence of knowledge about the mechanism of the gradual formation and a priori assessment of the edition quality before the actual production. The indicated issues involve all stages of preparation and production of editions (book editions in the presented research), without regard to their different essence and technological directions. The bases of the indicated direction are factors of the studied process, which include, first of all, technological requirements, parameters and criteria, that one considers as the information factors of influence on the flow and the result of the process realization in which they are involved. The knowledge about the priority of the factors action and the level of their influence on the course of the edition production is important here as well as during planning of alternative and calculation of optimal variants of the process realization and forecasting the quality of publishing and printing products, taking into account the quality of the procedure implementation.

In the last decades, the Ukrainian and foreign scientists have done a number of researches that testify the formation and development of fundamentally new methodology oriented to the information concept of receiving and a priori assessment of the quality of book editions. The basis of methodology is made by the information technology, the basic components of which take into account the presence and the level of influence of technological factors on quality of the production process realization in combination with corresponding models and make the forecast assessment of the future product quality possible. The theoretical basis relies on the constituents of system analysis, theories of modelling and operations study, theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, that operate the information factors of influence formalized as linguistic variables on the course of performance of procedures and serve as a pre-condition of receiving of products of the proper level.

In the research, the problem concerning the formation and development of the new methodology oriented to information concept of receiving and a priori assessment of book editions quality is set. The essence of information concept is formed, the flow of realization of which is presented as functional components. The hierarchical model of information process control of formation of the book edition quality has been worked out that contains the levels of semantic networks of factors, models of logical deductions, term-sets of values and matrices of knowledge of linguistic variables, fuzzy logical equations, parameters of quality of stages, an integral parameter of the forecasting level of the book edition quality.

Keywords: methodology, information concept, forecasting of the edition quality, functional component, hierarchical model of information management, factor of tech­nological process, linguistic variable.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-20-29

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