In the context of informational and digital innovations, the emergence of “haste culture”, globalization and networking, which in its turn, has inspired an unprecedented technological conquest of time and space in modern society, has given the mankind an opportunity to “overcome” time and space limits: the emphasis is made on the phenomenon of media space. Multidimensional, controversial and complex entity of the studied object has been highlighted. Technological, territorial, sociological, informational and communicational dimensions of media space have been singled out. The congruent correlation of information and communication and social contexts of the researched phenomenon has been demonstrated. Technological details (mobility, interactivity, convergence, persistency) as well as information and communication dimensions (disassembly, mediation, permanence, creolosity, flexibility, hypertextuality, gaming) have been described in detail. It has been proven that the chosen angle eliminates “one-sidedness” in the interpretation of media space and makes it possible to distinguish the leading attributes of each dimension. Represented by a set of media networks and streams, “old”, “new” and convergent forms; formed by a system of interconnections of producers and consumers of information; on the one hand, as a world without traditional restrictions of physical space and geographical distance parameters, on the other hand, as a specific territory with a clearly defined register of information resources and sources located therein, with a set of organizational and technical means of searching, assembling, processing, dissemination and storage of information – the modern media space can be described as a global system that absorbs, reproduces and produces micro-and macro-fields of human life. The stated approach will allow to further explore the media space as an objectively existing self-created, reproducible and refined dynamic system.
Keywords: media space, mobility, interactivity, convergence, demassification, permanence, creolization, flexibility, hyper-textuality, gamification.
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