The peculiarity of offset printing is that the printing and the space elements of the plate are placed in the same plane. The hydrophilic elements of the printing plate receive a wetting solution, and the oleophilic printing elements receive ink. Therefore, on the surface of the printing plate, two fluid streams flow: solution and emulsified ink. Then they are transferred to the imprints through the offset web.
As a result of the analysis of scientific works it is found that the processes of ink distribution and transfer are thoroughly mathematically and all studies are related to the effect of moisture in offset printing, relate to the chemical composition of the solution or the type of humidifier and are purely experimental in nature. Therefore, today there is no adequate mathematical description of the process of transferring the wetting solution to the inkjet printing system and its interaction with the ink.
To solve this problem, a mathematical model is developed, which reflects the process of distribution and transfer of ink by elements of the entire of the inkjet printing system, including the humidification subsystem from the ink feeder to the printed material. This model also describes the process of transferring the wetting solution from its source to the printing plate and its subsequent movement to the ink feeder and over the surface of the offset cylinder to the output of the system to the imprints.
The proposed model can be used for studying the process of ensuring the optimal balance of ink-wetting solution, which directly affects the quality of printed products.
Keywords: offset printing, mathematical model, color printing system, humidification subsystem, imprints.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-116-124
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