Since its appearance, software has always been in the field of view not only of software developers, because software components often played the role of creating the “secondary” quality and reliability of processes, microprocessor systems, machines, military and civilian equipment, space and interplanetary complexes, in which they have become one of the defining components. Active publications in the field of software engineering testify to the continuing interest in the scientific direction of this problem, since theoretical achievements in this area provide real applied progress of modern computer science. Despite the existence of international standards that stipulate the quality of software products on the basis of relevant metrics and characteristics, the problem of prognostic assessment of the proper level of programs in view of the a priori determination of the priority of the impact of the factors (factors) declared by the standard on the quality of software remained somewhat aside. The study and analysis of the process of industrial production of software components and the sphere of their use makes it possible to apply the information concept to this sphere, on the basis of which new methods and models of information technologies for the formation of good quality printed products are obtained, taking into account the factors influencing the quality of publishing and printing processes.
In view of the above, the basic model of software quality factors (characteristics) is modified. Pairwise comparisons of factors are made and the degrees of their advantages are established using the scale of relative importance of objects. An inversely symmetric matrix of pairwise comparisons is constructed. The main eigenvector of the matrix is calculated, the normalized components of which reproduce the numerical priorities of the factors influencing the quality of software products. The criteria of reliability of the obtained results are calculated, which led to the synthesis and visualization by means of infographics of the optimized multilevel model of the priority influence of factors on the quality of software.
Keywords: software, software quality factors, scale of relative importance of objects, matrix of pairwise comparisons, main eigenvector of matrix, optimal variant of software quality model, optimization criteria.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-11-21
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