Neuromarketing — theory and specificity of newspapers application by editorial offices

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Мудра І. М. № 1 (75) 139-146 Image Image

In this article, we consider neuromarketing and its history of development. The methods of neuromarketing application in the newspapers to attract the readership have been presented and grounded.

There is a competition among mass media and it is very strong. It is very hard to compete for newspapers and they are losing their audience every year. Therefore, news­paper editors should change, introduce new items and not be afraid to experiment. Neu­romarketing can help newspaper editors. It teaches how a newspaper editor can affect the consciousness of the audience through their emotions and feelings. It is an innovative way to promote a traditional newspaper. Because, the reader decides to acquire mass me­dia not only on the basis of rational judgments, but also on the basis of emotional reac­tions. But he cannot control these reactions. Neuromarketing can help the editors of traditional newspapers understand how the brain of the reader perceives the information and how it can be used to promote their newspaper products.

Neuromarketing is a set of methods and technologies that is formed at the intersection of economic theory, neurobiology, psychology and medicine. The main objective of neu­ro­marketing is to induce a person to the desired behaviour, planned reaction or the access to human emotions.

Media editorial offices may use the following sections of neuromarketing: 1) mar­keting research with the definition of brain reactions; 2) aroma marketing; 3) audio mar­keting; 4) the psychology of colour; 5) visualization.

Editorials of Ukrainian newspapers apply only the psychology of colour. But the other sections of neuromarketing have not been applied in Ukrainian newspapers. Fa­mous foreign newspapers use other sections of marketing – aroma marketing, marketing research with the definition of brain reactions and colour psychology.

Thus, neuromarketing is a new method of promoting media production by influencing readers’ subconsciousness.

Keywords: neuromarketing, newspapers, marketing, mass media.

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