Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Kudriashova A. V., Senkivskyi V. M. | № 1 (79) | 30-41 |
Theoretical bases of a technique of processing of membership functions of linguistic variables terms of technological process are presented. The representation of the linguistic term “the level of quality of design of post-printing processes” on the universal fuzzy set with the corresponding linguistic variables and ranks in the selected range is formalized. The key tasks of the research are formed. The values of membership functions of linguistic variables “publication indicators” (terms “simple”, “complicated”, “complex”), “design features” (terms “simple”, “complicated”, “complex”), “operating conditions” (terms “normal”, “working” and “marginal”), “type of production” (terms “single”, “serial” and “mass”), “materials” (terms “low”, “medium” and “high”, criterion) (complexity of processing)), “type of equipment” (terms “manual”, “mechanical”, “automated”), “technological and economic calculations” (terms “low”, “medium” , “high”, criterion “production efficiency”) and “technological process scheme” (terms “simple”, “complicated”, “complex”). The obtained values are normalized relative to the unit. Fuzzy sets are formed for each term of linguistic variables. Processing of membership functions, based on matrices of pairwise comparisons, makes it possible to transform the expert opinion into quantitative indicators. Graphs of term membership functions are constructed from fuzzy sets. In this case, the abscissa axis reflects the universal sets of values, and the ordinate axis shows the normalized values of the membership functions of the linguistic variables terms of post-printing processes design. Prerequisites for establishing an integrated indicator of the quality of the studied process are created.
Keywords: membership function, quality, design of post-printing processes, visualization, linguistic variable, term, universal set of values.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-30-41