Psychological influence of advertising on the Internet consumer (special poll results)

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Piskozub L. Y., Коляно М. М. № 2 (80) 196-207 Image Image

In the age of digital media, the problem of the psychology of online advertising as such, with the use of special methods of psychological research, remains a new enough niche for detailed study. This topic has been developed sufficiently deeply by S. Efremtsev and O. Posipanova, whose works serve as the basis for this research. Possibilities of the Internet as a platform for business, entertainment or communication are the first stage of global acquaintance of young consumers with the Internet. In turn, the psychology of online advertising and the impact of its means on the consumer, given in the article are the second stage, which summarizes the reactions of consumers, and therefore the effectiveness of advertising campaigns that have taken place or are still ongoing.

In order to determine the impact of online advertising on the audience, as well as to identify images and associations, motives that activate the advertising message, we have conducted a special case study in the form of poll, which was attended by students — the youth, aged 20-22 years, that can be counted toward millennials. They are people, who do not imagine their lives without modern means of communication and most everyday tasks (shopping online, exchanging goods, using transport through special QR codes, etc.) are accustomed to be performed on their own with the help of technology.

The poll, which took place anonymously, made it possible to draw a clear portrait of the modern student only depending on his demographic characteristics (age and gender). Social characteristics (financial status, presence or absence of permanent employment) were not taken into account. The conducted research has shown, that the outlook of a person is formed not by advertising, but by his own education and environment, his interests and life position. The task of the advertiser in this case is to find a consumer-friendly approach, that appeals to the majority.

Keywords: polls, millennials, advertising content, online advertising, advertising channel, response, effect, interaction.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-196-207

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