Research of color indicator changes of electrographic imprints after polypropylene films lamination

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Chepurna K. O. № 2 (76) 33-38 Image Image

After the lamination of the imprints there is a change in the color indicators, namely saturation and color tone. When manufacturing products, using corporate colors, this problem is relevant. The work suggests a method for determining the influence of la­mi­na­ting process by means of polypropylene films on change of the color indexes of the prints. To assess color difference, a test form was created that contained the halftone patches of the basic CMYK colors and the gray balance of CMYK colors, solid areas of CMYK colors, dual RGB colors and the gray balance of RGB colors. Print samples were carried out on a digital printing machine Konica Minolta bizhub C451. Digital printing method is selected because printing houses are increasingly using it to print small to medium press runs due to the high quality and the efficient execution of orders. Elected for laminating biaxially oriented matte polypropylene film with a thickness of 27 µm and a glossy 24 µm, temperature, pressure and speed of lamination was chosen depending on the characteristics of the film.

The difference between the two colors was estimated as ΔE, since the error of the measurement results of the color differences may be large (ΔE> 4), also the visual comparison method was used. The visual perception of the color of the imprint is de­ter­mined by a combination of color indicators (color hue, brightness, saturation) and the surface gloss. Samples of the same color, but with different glosses are perceived differently: the shiny ones always look darker and sated, less glossy — lighter. As you know, the lamination by film inevitably leads to some color changes: when using a glossy film, it becomes brighter and matte — more dim.

The establishment of regularities of color change will allow you to make appropriate adjustments to the layout during prepress.

Keywords: laminating, electrophotographic printing, сolor difference, graduation, polypropylene films.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2018-2-76-33-38

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