One of the most popular Internet trends of recent years and an important space for prompt information about the most important news in the world has become the multifunctional and multi-platform messenger Telegram, whose consumers seek to use social networks not only for entertainment and communication, but also for the purpose of receiving important information for themselves.
The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of Telegram news channels, their work with the audience, the specifics of content creation, the possibilities of cooperation among themselves and the presence of propagandistic pro-Russian narratives.
The scientific survey highlights the peculiarities of the functioning of news Telegram channels of the domestic media segment during the period of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Their role and popularity among the audience for receiving important news in real time is clarified. More than 66% of users started using this messenger to receive operational and up-to-date information on important events related to the war and other aspects of the country’s social life. The topic of the content of the studied Telegram channels and its format are analysed. Detailed capabilities of the application to manipulate public opinion and spread disinformation. The trends in the use of anonymous pro-Russian messengers are outlined. The need for legislative regulation of the activities of the Telegram channel network in Ukraine is substantiated. The strategies of promotion and influence of Telegram channels on the audience in the conditions of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine are noted. The critical scientific mass of scientists who research the outlined problematic of the issue is considered.
Keywords: media space, digital media, social networks, Telegram channels, media security, disinformation, media consumption, audience.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-240-258
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